Sunday, April 17, 2011

Clipping Nails

I hate clipping Desh's nails. It scares me. I'm so worried that I'll accidentally clip off his tiny fingertip. So instead I let his nails get really long and then Ken takes over. He's actually really good at it and can manage to keep the little guy still while he works his magic.

This was a little moment during our Sunday afternoon. Desh's expression cracks me up. Notice the tiny self-inflicted scratches on his face. Poor guy!


  1. The one (and only!) time Jeff clipped Aubrey's nails she was about Desh's age. And he managed to clip the tip of her finger too! My poor baby! I cried with her and I was so mad at him. I can laugh now , Lol. So a few years ago I told Aubrey the story about it while I was trimming her nails. To this day EVERY time the clippers come out for someone she starts up, "Dad, remember when you clipped my finger and made me bleed and.....". Poor Jeff. It just makes him feel so bad all over again.

  2. I cut Macy's finger a few weeks ago. I cried right along with her, I felt so bad! I try to stick to the nail file most of the time now...
